Friday, March 15, 2013

The BEST To Do List ever!

OMG in searching around and reading other peoples blogs i have come across the coolest to do list i have ever seen.. (Thank you to and that's where i found it) its very funny and i would love to see some of this stuff actually done! So the next time my friends come over i might actually try a few of theses things esp #1..HAHAHAHA that's freaking awesome don't ya think????

# 4 is something i would do also..heheh i think that's a great way to make everybody laugh and i have the perfect person to have do

#6 is another one i would love to try, could you imagine being in the middle of the connivance store and some duff running in and asks you what year it was.. only to start screaming "IT WORKED" i think i would fall on the floor laughing at the reaction on peoples face's... 

What do you think? Would you try any of these things.. You only live once..try your best to make them some crazy adventures..

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